Friday, March 23, 2007

Hectic Life and Many Decisions-making Events

At this point of time, about 1 month before exams, is the most hectic period in a semester. I've Lab report and had finished many tests. Of course, not to mention my elective report. Everytime when I mention Lab, there seems to be endless grudges against Lab..on how hard it is..and how stressed I was when I got lost in the commotion. Lab now, is so different from year 1 's lab, where I think they are not very er-xin. These year 2 labs are so er-xin that I dread the session every thursday.

Comparing University lab and JC labs, JC labs are soooo easy to do...just follow the procedure can liao. But now the lab, we can't even understand the lab manual, so how to procede? Somemore the equipment are so complicated to operate. The equipment are very useful thus have many functions in them. But, this means there are so many buttons that press this press that, is so confusing! I have no idea how my lab partner know how to press them...Prob it comes from his working experience....

I have roughly decided where to go into for my specialisation. I think I want to go to Electronics Option---> Either Microelectronics or just electronics. And I may change my mind to others if my results for this sem's D!gital Electr0nics and Anal0g Electr0nics are bad...and mind you, Microelectronics is a hot choice for foreign scholars and I do not wish to die there (With them around, I'l die cos they too smart). Most locals would choose Infocomm option. But i dont lik signals leh.

My choices (in order of preference):

1. Microelectronics
Pro: Gd prospects and sounds more interesting than the rest
Con: Many scholars are going there which means, I'll sink to the bottom of the cohort :(

2. Electronics or Electronics (IC design)
Pro: Gd prospects
Con: Same as for microelectronics. IC design is very hard I think.

3. Photonics
Pro: Sounds quite interesting too
Con: Should be quite tough

4. Power Enginnering
Pro: It seems easier than Electronics
Con: Boring, not v promising prospects, and need to handle machines.

5. Biomedical electronics
Pro: Interesting, gd prospects as Spore advancing in bio-med areas
Con: Compared to real Biomedical engineers, they have an edge over us. Hard to study.

6. Communications Engineering
Pro: Belongs to infocomm option thus has many locals and more girls, I guess?
Con: No interest in things like Cellular Communication System

7. Digital Media Processing
Pro: Same as Communications Engineering
Con: No interest, study things like Audio Signal Processing, yucks, I hate signals.

8. Intelligent System Engineering
Pro: None, this does not belong to Infocomm option
Con: Guys-dominated specialisation, Robotics & Automation

9. Information & Communications Technology
Pro: None
Con: Many...very erxin area..Web Application Design

10. Computer Engineering
Con: Many..very erxin..Object Oriented Software Engineering Design


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